Output files for search and clustering commands

Hit selection options
The accept and termination options determine how many hits USEARCH will store internally before stopping the search for a given query sequence. Hit selection options determine which of the accepted hits will be written to the output files. See also weak hits . Hits are reported in order of decreasing identity (global) or decreasing alignment score (local).

Option Description Option Description
top_hit_only Top hit only (break ties). cover_query Sufficient hits to cover query.
top_hits_only All top hits. mosaic Mosaic cover of query.
maxhits N At most N hits. output_no_hits Report queries with no hits

Output files

Most output files report hits, i.e. query-target alignments that meet the accept criteria . Any number of output files may be specified, enabling several different types of output to be generated from one run.

Option Description Option Description
alnout Human-readable alignments. matched
Queries that matched DB (FASTA or FASTQ).
userout User-defined tabbed, see userfields . notmatched
Queries that did not match DB (FASTA or FASTQ).
uc UCLUST-format tabbed text. dbmatched DB sequences that matched (FASTA).
fastapairs Pair-wise alignments (FASTA). dbnotmatched DB sequences not matched (FASTA).
centroids Cluster centroids (FASTA). msaout Multiple alignments of clusters (FASTA).
consout Cluster consensus seqs. (FASTA). samout SAM format .
blast6out BLAST tabbed format. nastout NAST format .
qsegout Query segments (FASTA). tsegout Target segments (FASTA).
clusters Directory to store FASTA files, one per cluster ( cluster_fast only).